jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Update: jueves, el 12 de septiembre

8-3, 8-4   
We are working on chapter 3A- Desayuno o Almuerzo. We will be finishing this unit before 8-4 tracks out.

During this unit our goals are:
*To talk about foods and beverages for breakfast and lunch
*Express how often something is done
*Talk about likes and dislikes
*Compare cultural perspectives on meals

1. Sal y Pimienta due tomorrow (9/13)
2. Bring back Me gustan/ Me encantan notes and your -ER/-IR verbs cloze activity.


Welcome back from track-out! 

The unit we will be working on until track 1 returns is 2A- Tu dia en la escuela. Our goals for this unit are:
*to talk about school schedules and subjects
*Discuss what students do during the day
*Ask and tell who is doing an action
*Compare our school to a school in a Spanish-speaking country

1. Sal yPimienta due tomorrow (9/13)
2. Bring back -AR verbs notes and 2A Vocabulario

Amazing job during quarter 1! Let's keep it up for quarter 2!
Have a fantastic trackout!!
7-3, 7-4

We are wrapping up our Weather Forecast presentations today. Many groups did a wonderful job on this project!

Today we will start Chapter 1A Que te gusta hacer in class. We will be working on this unit until Track 4 tracks out. Our goals for this unit are:
* Talk about activities you like and dislike to do
*Ask others what they like to do
*Understand cultural perspectives on favorite activities



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