Welcome back 8-3!
1. Subject Pronoun review
2. Start -AR verbs
HW: -AR verbs/Subject pronouns half sheet due Tuesday August 20
-We are starting this week with school vocabulary. Within this chapter we will be learning about how to talk about the school day and schedule.
HW: Finish gold vocabulary sheet by Tuesday August 20
1. Work on group posters during class, Presentations on Tuesday.
2. Vocabulary Quiz on activity verbs Thursday, August 22
Negatives in Spanish
Me gusta/No me gusta
HW: Presentations in groups on Wednesday, August August 21.
Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday ,August 22
This week we will be continuing in the "Para Empezar" preliminary chapter. We will be covering telling time in Spanish, body parts, basic greetings, weather, seasons, days of the week and basic classroom vocabulary.
HW: Gold vocabulary sheet complete front side only
-To talk about the classroom
-To say the date
Welcome back!
No tarea~
Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
No tarea~
My sister Stephanie got married on Friday! I am so happy for her and her new husband!
¡Mi hermana que se llama Stephanie se casó el viernes! ¡Estoy muy feliz para ella y su esposo nuevo!
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