miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

miércoles- el 31 de julio

Tarea (HW) 
1. Complete student activity questions sheet (pink) if you did not finish in class.
2. Come up with 5 additional social questions to ask a classmate. 

3. White review packet due Friday. (You should have enough time in class to finish this if you use your time)

8-1, 8-2
Vocabulary quiz today- Breakfast and Lunch foodsAfter quiz: Intro to -ER and -IR verbs!
Tarea (HW) 
1. Get a parent signature on your progress report. Return by Friday. If have a 95% or higher you can sign your own progress report but please let your parents know that you are doing well in class :) 

2. Get ready to learn IR/ER/AR verbs mañana!! If you want to get a head start...click here!

Tarea (HW) 

1. Half sheet- ¿Qué hora es? (If you did not finish in class)
2. Study for quiz- ¿Qué hora es?- Friday

Clock in Spanish (you enter the time in English, it tells you the Spanish equivalent)
Telling time notes (additional)


Tarea (HW) 

1. Finish alphabet (Los Capitales) if you did not finish in class.
2. Practice tu alfabeto! - Spell your name out loud in Spanish for a parent, friend or sibling. 

El Alfabeto song- Video

martes, 30 de julio de 2013

martes- el 30 de julio

Tarea (HW) 
1. Bring your signed portion of the syllabus by Wednesday, July 31.
2. Complete green slip with a parent, sibling or friend. In case you misplace your copy, here it is!


Tarea- La clase de español
Answer the following questions orally
with a friend, sibling or parent. Get their initials
as proof that you did your tarea J
Write down the answers you provided.

1.       ¿Cómo te llamas?
2.       ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
3.       ¿Cómo eres?

Firma (signature)

8-1, 8-2
Goal: NM.CLL.1.1 "Use memorized words and phrases to exchange information on familiar topics such as likes and dislikes..."

Tarea (HW) 
1. ¿Qué te gusta comer? (yellow sheet w/plate) due Wednesday before quiz. Have at least 5 well written sentences  en español using Me gusta/Me gustan/Me encanta/Me encantan. 
-Finish the back side (1-25)  if you did not finish in class. 
2.. Vocabulary PRUEBA 3A (quiz) on Wednesday July 31. Link to flashcards below.

Study link:

**Flashcards for 3A Desayuno o Almuerzo vocabulario

NL.COD.3.1 "Use single words and simple, memorized phrases, such as those for weather, days of the week, months, seasons, numbers..."

Tarea (HW) Study "Partes del cuerpo", numbers 1-100 and greetings for a PRUEBA (quiz) on Wednesday July 31.


Tarea (HW) 
1. Bring your signed portion of the syllabus by Wednesday, July 31.
2. Recite "El alfabeto en español" to a parent, sibling or friend. 

domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

lunes- el 29 de julio

8-4 Bienvenidos!

Tarea (HW) 
1. Bring your signed portion of the syllabus by Wednesday, July 31.
2. Greet someone en español and ask them how they are doing.

8-1, 8-2
Work on "¿Qué te gusta comer?" during class.
Goal: To talk about foods we like and dislike en español

Tarea (HW) 
1,Me encantan/ Me gustan gold packet and white vocabulary 3A sheets due Tuesday.
2. ¿Qué te gusta comer? (yellow sheet w/plate) due Wednesday before quiz. Don't worry about the back side we will do that in class. 
3. Vocabulary PRUEBA 3A (quiz) on Wednesday July 31. Link to flashcards below.

**Flashcards for 3A Desayuno o Almuerzo vocabulario

Tarea (HW) Study "Partes del cuerpo", numbers 1-100 and greetings for a PRUEBA (quiz) on Wednesday July 31.

-To recognize vocabulary with body parts and classroom items
-To be able to tell time n Spanish

7-4 Bienvenidos!

Tarea (HW) 
1. Bring your signed portion of the syllabus by Wednesday, July 31.
2. Greet someone en español.

viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

viernes, el 26 de julio


8th GRADE:

8-3- Have a wonderful trackout :) Be ready to start learning more about "COMIDA" when you track back in.

8-1, 8-2- Tell someone one thing you like to eat or drink
over the weekend. Bring your gold 'Me gustan/ Me encantan packet' and yellow ¿Qué te gusta comer? worksheet on Monday.

We will be continuing with this vocabulary next week and have a a PRUEBA (quiz) on vocabulario on Wednesday (July 31th)

8-4- Be ready for "la clase de español" on Monday!! Hope everyone had a nice summer trackout!

7th GRADE:
7-3 Have a fantastic trackout!

7-1 Tell someone what time it is en español. ¿Qué hora es?

6th GRADE:
6-3 Have a terrific trackout!!